Adobe Creative Jam LIVE at Cal State

On March 1st, we had the pleasure of visiting the Cal State Long Beach campus to watch over 130 students on 27 teams across three campuses compete in the first California State University Creative Jam LIVE. The student teams at Cal State LA, Cal Poly Pomona, and Cal State Long Beach participated in one of the largest Creative Jams LIVE events.

Kate and Michael with a faculty member

Creative Jam LIVE is a design challenge that allows students to demonstrate and celebrate creativity using Adobe Creative Cloud. Adobe works with faculty at campuses to organize the event, write the design challenge, and recruit speakers and judges. Anthony Acock, assistant professor in graphic design at Cal Poly Pomona; Sam Anvari, assistant professor in graphic design at Cal State Long Beach; and Zachary Vernon, assistant professor in graphic design at Cal State LA worked collaboratively leading up to the event to recruit students and make sure the events went smoothly on their respective campuses.

faculty member with students

The theme of this challenge was immigration, and the event opened with a talk by Dr. Alvaro Huerta, assistant professor in urban and region planning and ethnic & women’s studies at Cal Poly Pomona, who encouraged students to consider how the immigration discussion is framed in the media. Then the students got to work to develop a prototype mobile application that would support and assist immigrant users. They had just two hours to design their app before presentations and judging began. The students were so impressive with the creative, visually appealing solutions they presented after such a short time.  The top 12 teams from Friday advanced to the final round on Saturday. The winning student team was from Cal Poly Pomona, with the second and third place teams from Cal State Long Beach.

This event was a chance to pilot a multi-campus Creative Jam. When the California State University system became part of the Adobe Creative Campus program in Fall 2018, Michael Berman considered what could make the CSU experience with Creative Cloud unique. With the size of the CSU and number of campuses, the idea was born to organize a multi-campus event to expand the opportunity. We hope to help facilitate a CSU-wide Creative Jam in the near future. If you’re interested in being involved in a future Creative Jam, you can email us at innovate@calstate.edu.