Tag: future

Imagine Beach2030 – Envisioning a campus future via a game

Today I have the pleasure of visiting Long Beach State University to observe and participate in Imagine Beach2030, a gamified exercise in collaborative visioning. Long Beach State has embarked on a two-year process to consider the future of the university in collaboration with Institute For The Future. I recommend you take a look at the intro video.

The “game”, which is essentially a threaded discussion with points, was actually pretty cool. I had fun sitting with some of the folks in Academic Technology who were very interested in the comments and looking to see who made them (and guessing on the anonymous ones). Popular topics included free tuition, data use and protection, and the changing roles of instructors.  From what I could tell, there were at least a couple of thousand participants in the first few hours.

Institute For The Future team along with Vice Provost Sathianathan (2nd from Left)
Institute For The Future team along with Vice Provost Sathianathan (2nd from Left)

Kudos to Long Beach State for launching this discussion – I look forward to seeing the summary results in a couple of months, and how it feeds in to Long Beach’s plans for the future.