Tag: survey

ITAC Survey Results – (part two of two)

The web site for CSU Innovate includes four areas of focus:

  • Redesigning the Student Experience
  • Cloud Migration
  • Visual Interface
  • Collaboration at a Distance

Of these areas, the first two areas generated the most consistent interest levels from the respondents – a mean of 4.3/5 for student experience and 4.5/5 for cloud migration. The later two areas, while of interest to many ITAC members, had significantly lower means (3.3/5 for both). 
As shown here, the topic interest for the Student Experience focus was quite scattered.

However, the cloud migration area elicited a clear interest in the development of cloud architectures. 

When asked to “Define innovation in the context of CSU technology in one or two sentences”, answers included:

Clearly, there’s a lot of opportunity here. Thanks to everyone who offered their thoughts. Keep them coming! A summary of the full survey results can be found at this link:

CSU Innovate Survey Analytics