2nd Multi-Campus Adobe Creative Jam LIVE

Over 250 students from seven campuses competed in a two-day Adobe Creative Jam on Oct 11th and 12th. This was the largest multi-campus Creative Jam event, topping last spring’s event, with teams from Cal Poly Pamona, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Cal State Fullerton, Cal State LA, Cal State Long Beach, CSUN, and San José State.

Long Beach State student writes Creative Jam on chalkboard
Photo courtesy of Sam Anvari, Cal State Long Beach.

Creative Jam LIVE is a design challenge that asks students to design a creative solution to solve a real world problem using Adobe Creative Cloud. Adobe works with faculty at campuses to organize the event, write the design challenge, and recruit speakers and judges. Joining the faculty dream team of Anthony Acock (Cal Poly Pomona), Sam Anvari (Cal State Long Beach), and Zachary Vernon (Cal State LA) from the first multi-campus Creative Jam were colleagues John Drew (Cal State Fullerton), John Delacruz (San José State), Joe Bautista (CSUN), and Bruno Ribeiro and Charmaine Martinez (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo).

The theme of the challenge was wellness and student basic needs, with a focus on food and housing security. Dr. Sabrina Sanders, Director of Student Affairs Projects and Initiatives at the Chancellor’s Office, kicked off the event as the inspirational speaker, sharing with students the CSU research and efforts on the Student Basic Needs Initiative. Then the student teams got to work developing a mobile app experience that addressed the challege.

Winning teams from each campus advanced to compete on the final day, with the student team from San Jose State winning. Highlights can be found on the Creative Jam Live Facebook page.

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